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Well I am about to launch my first Facebook application soon, and I have to say… I am very excited. But at the same time I have to stop and give myself a reality check. It seems like while there certainly is a great deal of buzz around the Platform, no one has really figured it out yet. It’s like everyone knows there is something huge going on, but they just don’t know exactly how to take advantage of it. And to top it off, since the gold rush began a few months ago over 5500 applications have flooded Facebook, giving some user’s “app fatigue”. Not me of course, but I just realized I am “that guy” with a messy profile page and 15 apps that don’t really do all that much.

I believe that in the future, the culture of Facebook will change, and the days of Vampires biting you, and Chicken wings being thrown at you will give way to more useful apps (hopefully mine included) that will make Facebook more of a social utility, and less of a time waster.

The demographic is getting older, and user behavior is changing. Users are eventually going to get tired of all the fluff apps, and they are going to want applications that take advantage of the social graph to provide them with useful online tools. Facebook is going through this growth stage so quickly, and it will be interesting to see how everyone reacts to it (Facebook and its users).

Hopefully developers will find a way to make money (god i hope so), and Facebook will morph into whatever it is morphing into with its character intact. Hopefully Facebook will eventually transform into a place where friends no longer spend their time poking and stalking eachother, but sharing information and being productive.

Till next time. Right now I have to go spend some imaginary currency on little fish that swim around in my girlfriends virtual fish tank.

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